Spring is a time of renewal and new opportunities for our garden and environment. Every year, we see tulips and other plants bloom forth and give us beautiful vistas and panoramas. You may be wondering how you can bring this beauty into your own home. There are many ways to beautify your home, and we’ll be showing you the top 10 best ways to do that with landscaping. Read on to learn more!
There are many kinds of spring flowers that represent the season. Hydrangeas, Lilacs, and tulips are a few kinds which give a springtime look to your garden. These powerful and beautiful plants are tough and come in various colors. For example, tulips can grow in many different types of conditions. Even with clay or sandy soils, these power plants can survive and multiply.
Lilacs are also particularly versatile, coming in purple and other colors. They’re fond of fertile, composted soil and have very fragrant blooms. Bees will come in from all over into your garden to enjoy the great smells of your plants. These spring flowers like fertilizer around wintertime, but keeping a composting regimen can be difficult. A lawn care company can definitely help you out here.
Another great landscaping idea is trimming your trees. There’s nothing better than a well-kept lawn, and one way to start is with tree upkeep. Many reasons exist for cutting your trees, one of these being the danger of branches falling. Trees can grow big enough to have fat branches which can cause issues like damaged roofs, cars, or windows. It can be a bit of a hassle keeping up with these tasks.
Trimming your tree into a topiary is very nice, too. There are some very creative styles out there, with forms of animals or even people. Combined with spring flowers, your garden can be the talk of the block! Topiaries will try and grow out of their form though, which means you’ll need to prune them a lot. A landscaper can help keep the weight off your shoulders if you have too little time on your hands.
Besides topiaries, trees can help in other ways. They can provide you with beautiful flowers and fruit that you can enjoy. Their roots can run deep, depending on the tree, and keep erosion at bay too. Unlike spring flowers, they benefit you by giving some shade on the sunnier spring days. There are some candidates that are low-effort too, like pines, oaks, and spruce trees.
Pines are resilient, with one species surviving in the coldest places on the planet. Oaks are stately and can provide you shade. Spruce trees are diverse and can be good candidates for the common lawn too. The trees can provide you with very nice scented foliage which has a wonderful scent as it falls. Talk to a landscaping company if you wish to learn more about these trees!
Many spring lawns enjoy some care, though fertilizing is one thing that can save a hard-to-maintain lawn. There’s grass which can resist many different kinds of soils, but it can be difficult to maintain. A landscaping company would be very helpful in maintaining the beauty of your grass. Even though these mighty plants can resist many conditions, they still need food. Checking with a specialist can help you sort these issues out.
They can help you with choosing the right fertilizer as well. There are chemical fertilizers for lawns with different concentrations. For proper landscape care, ask a lawn specialist. You could ask them to choose the best soil fertilizer for you without a hitch. They can also give you the best solutions for keeping your lawn fresh and beautiful.
There are more kinds of flowers one can plant to beautify their spring garden. Roses are one such flower which provides beautiful blooms. It can be made into different shapes if one is so inclined and comes in many colors. There are species which can grow in many different shapes. Roses like Rosa Canina are one example, being a climbing rose.
Roses can be rather needy plants. It is important to talk to your landscaping company about fertilizing your spring plants. Some need specific amounts of fertilizer and pruning which they need to better grow. Landscape specialists can also provide help in fertilizing your plants. You can ask about choosing the right variety for your garden, as there are cultivars for any kind of weather.
Fertilizing can be a bit of a tough issue to get through. Different plants need different kinds and concentrations of fertilizer. Putting in too much fertilizer means your plants could get sick while putting in too little does nothing. Talking with a landscape care pro would help you get your trees and shrubs set up without a hitch. It can be a pain to fertilize, but it doesn’t have to be!
To get a scope of fertilizer needs, you should first research your tree or shrub. Some plants (like pines) don’t need a lot of nutrients and can grow almost anywhere without an issue. Roses need regular care, fertilizing, and for some a good pH balancing. There are a lot of other interesting plants out there that need care when enriching the soil. Ask your lawn care specialist for help taking care of your shrubs and trees!
Any experienced gardener can tell you about the horrors of weeds in their yards. There’s no worse threat to a well-kept lawn than a stray dandelion in it. Yet, there are many ways to tame these invaders. You can ask a landscaper to help you with spraying them down, for one. They are also edible.
Dandelion is very good for tea as well. In my own experience, they taste quite good. The young leaves of these plants are also delicious in salads. But, if you’re not sure, don’t eat them. Otherwise, help your spring flowers by taking these invaders out!
Testing your soil is something else that is pretty important. Though there are plants that can survive dry, sandy, or clayey soils, pH can be harder to judge. Some plants (like Roses) need very specific pH levels. Blueberries also need a specific PH level too as they grow best when those conditions are met. There are a few ways to do these tests.
One way is doing it yourself, which can be a bit difficult. You need specialized tools to be able to test your soil as accurately as possible. For example, with pH testing, you can use baking soda but won’t know its exact value. It would be better to ask a lawn care specialist, as they’d have the right tools for the job. You also won’t need to lug any equipment or bother with having to dig up soil.
It happens that our lawns sometimes get a bit crowded from time to time. Whether from weeds or other such invaders, it can be a hassle keeping up with grass cutting. You can always ask your landscaper to help you out with upkeep. It can be a lot easier and you won’t need to worry about doing lawn care.
Some more benefits include not needing to fertilize, as the landscaper will take care of this for you. You will also have a knowledgeable expert who can take care of your issues with any diseases in the ground. Sickness can come in many shapes and sizes. With a good fertilizing regimen and using antifungal spray, your lawn will be as fit as a fiddle for spring.
Another way you can help your plants is spraying for pests. There are many different bugs that can cause you grief and destroy your much-loved spring flowers. Some pests can be pretty harmful to different kinds of bushes or roses. Some beetles, for example, may cause root damage. Nematodes can destroy root systems or weaken them by causing nodes to form.
Asking your landscaper for help is not a bad thing. Not everything in your garden can be solved quickly, and some pests may be better managed by a professional. Whiteflies are a good example of something you should look out for. They can easily decimate your plants if present in large numbers. Same for aphids, who can suck out the juices of a plant and weaken it enough that it dies.
There can be a lot of work involved with your springtime lawn or garden. However, even though it is a chore… it doesn’t have to be! By using a specialist, your landscape ideas can come to life and bring you years of enjoyment. Instead of a hassle, your springtime fantasies could be springtime realities. Talk to your local landscaper today to get growing and make your yard the talk of the block!
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